Outreach in the Central Park of Chervonohrad
Children’s Camp “The Way of the Champion”
10.10.2017During June l-4th Lviv hosted the “Soli Deo Gloria” music festival featuring numerous bands and performers from evangelical churches praising God on the stage in the city center in front of the Opera Theater with pastors preaching the Gospel to the community and sharing facts about the reasons for the Reformation and its outstanding impact, Gethsemane church took an active part in organizing the interdenominational event and set up a tent for handing out New Testaments, gospel tracts and other Christian literature, and sharing the Gospel with passers-by.
Gethsemane church’s pastor Valeriy Marchenko inviting representatives of various evangelical as well as traditional denominations and the government officials to speak their greeting words. Yevhen Boiko, Head of the mayor’s administration alongside Oksana Stokolos-Voronchuk, Regional Governor’s Deputy, greeting the city with the anniversary of the Reformation.
Gethsemane church worship group praising God openly in the city center. What is noteworthy is that Gethsemane worship group performed the songs of praise and a dancing group from a Greek Catholic church performed a worship dance alongside to the worship music! Right in front of the stage there were many seats for people to come and enjoy the festival.
Pastor Valeriy Marchenko and Gethsemane church worship group in front of the Opera Theater.
Deacon Slavic Vorovehenko (extreme right) set up a tent by the stage and together with other brothers and sisters handed out Christian literature to passers-by and those who had come to view the performances.
On that same day, Gethsemane church from Chervonohrad celebrated their 7th anniversary and came to Lviv to take part in the outreach. We were one big team!