“Soli Deo Gloria” Music Festival and Outreach in the City Center
Events for Church Edification
10.10.2017Gethsemane Church sent 28 children and 4 adults to a resort 90 km north of Lviv located in a forest zone. It was “The Way of the Champion ” camp where children learnt how to be overcomers like Joseph in the Old Testament and Jesus in the New One.
Pastor Valeriy Marchenko and the whole church blessing the camp on the day of departure.
At the camp, deaconess Iryna Naprasnyk presenting the theme of the camp – “The Way of the Champion”. At the morning and evening programs, kids learnt to praise God through songs, take important lessons from Bible stories and just had a lot of fun together. Some truths were illustrated through skits.
The physical part was also a great fun. Morning exercises, games in the gym, goings to the nearby lake all contributed to a camp full of happy children. The resort even boasted an underground salt room where visitors could take a therapy through breathing salted vapor.
We thank the resort for the nice food that kept up our children5 s energy level. The whole camp by the nearby lake. The camp back at the church! The grand finale was the camp song of praise to God in His House.