United Nations’ International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2014
The second day anniversary of the Church “Gethsemane”
28.04.2014The celebration of the started from praise and worship to the Lord. Senior pastor Valeriy Marchenko made a message and summarized events of the year 2013. At 00:00 the Church entered year 2014 with prayer. Young group praised and worshiped the Lord already in 2014.
Sister Zoryana Plakhtyna conducted contests and games. All present at the fest spitted into teams to take part in contests and games. The biggest dainty of the evening was red caviar.
Sister Lesya Pylypenko presented extracts from Bible in hand made scrolls. Senior pastor Valeriy Marchenko presented everyone with various interesting items and surprises. Brother Iliya told about how was the celebration of New Years and Christmas in the time of his youth. The youth form Chervonograd church presented an interesting performance. Brother Sergiy Matusovskyi conducted an interesting game ‘Assotiations’.
Children and teenagers sang rhythmic songs and praised the Lord by dancing together with all present. The most enduring participants at 6:00 am! We are thankful to the God for the year that passed and believe that this year will be even better and more blessed.