Greeting women during the Sunday Service, March 11
Gethsemane church members cleaning the Church yard
22.03.2012For 3 months church prayed for a special ministry that took place on the 18-th of March. Members from both Lviv and Chervonohrad “Gethsemane” churches came for this special service. The guest was from Sweden, he preached the Gospel of Christ and prayed to God for healing people.
Head pastor Valeriy Marchenko said about – why and what for we need healing? If you don‘t accept Jesus Chnst as your Lord, then physical healing will not help you save your soul. God heals people from sicknesses and death, as if giving a loan, in order for us to bring fruit for the Kingdom of God and to witness about Christ our Saviour
Krister Bong came to “Gethesemane” church along with pastors from “Good News” church – Votodymyr from Dro-hobych and Anatoliy Kuzmych from Truskavets. During the prayer Krister Borg invited people to testify the touch of God, healing during this prayer. Many people came up to testify their healing from God.
Brother Dima Petrov told hes got a serious trauma of his toe and could not walk easily for a few years and now that pain is gone! Krister Borg stepped several times on his toe to test Dima’s leg – there were no pain! Sister Valentyna Halachko had a strong pain in her back for several years and could not bend even for a bit. After the prayer she was the first to testify and started bending to the floor time after time and to prasse the Lord!
Brother Vyacheslav Olefr has cut his knee cup with a grinder two years ago after the surgery could not bend his knee, After the prayer he felt that pain’s gone and came forward, started to sit down with a smile. Praise God!
Sister Iryna Kucherenko had cancer (IV) and God healed her a year ago. Before the Sunday serv/rce she had heartache and had difficulty breathing God made a miracle -took her heartache away and she started breathing freely!
Sister Olena Pantsemo has arthritis in her knees and she experiences constant pain. Often she could not even come to Sunday services because of that. She came up and sat down 10 times. Pain was gone! Brother Krister Borg prayed for healing of people to the end and many people received healing and liberation. The Sunday service ended with a thankful song “Look What God has Done, Body Healed, Mind Renewed, Gave Life, Now I am with God! Praise God for everything!