Valeriy Marchenko celebrated his 60-th birthday
Gethsemane church, Lviv received a two-day regional conference for church leaders
21.03.2015March 7, 2015 Gethsemane church celebrated the International Women’s Day with the main biblical theme of the night: “Can a woman have her character changed?”
Gethsemane’s worship group gave praise to God, calling each attending lady to give glory to the One, who created the woman. Deacon of Children’s and Teens’ ministry Pavlo Vasikov along with the team from the Children’s club “The Future Fathers of Ukraine” greeted the women with their holiday by singing songs, reciting poems and presenting a theatrical sketch about God’s special creation – the woman.
Deaconess Olena Marchenko involved the audience in discussing some real stories from the Bible on how God would change women’s characters in the biblical times and how He is able to change women now. Sister Halyna Potereiko spoke about the Samaritan woman with some poor personal life experience whose life underwent change after personally meeting with Jesus, since she saw what the true priorities in life were and found a faithful friend for life – the Lord Jesus.
The performance of an invited children’s ensemble appeared to be a special gift for all the women, contributing to the joyful spirit of the night. Sister Olena Vorovchenko led a workshop on handmade greeting cards reading warm wishes with encouraging Bible verses to our soldiers in action in the East of Ukraine.
The head pastor Valeriy Marchenko spoke a greeting word on behalf of the men from the church, remarking that “God took the best from Adam and created a woman”. At the night s closure everyone was enjoying a delicious treat while watching parts of the movie “God’s Not Dead” about a woman, who sought for the meaning of life and found it in God.