5 years celebration Gethsemane Children’s Club
05.09.2010Gethsemane Church’s kids camp in Chervonohrad was the first camp project that our church did in this town ,where we recently planted a new church. God enormously blessed our strivings to serve the children there .On the first day there were only 3 new children that came by invitation. On the last day of the camp there were over 80 kids! All of them came to church on Sunday morning and were blessed by the ministers. Line up – 6 teams with their names, colors and leaders. Christian clowns reaching out to kids
Sunday church service – all the new kids came to our church service to be blessed by the church for the new school year. After the sermon most of the kids were willing to come forward to repent before God. We believe God touched their hearts. Likewise, the church raised hands to bless them in their new school year and in their new steps of coming to know God more.