Gethsemane church takes an AIDS prevention training
Gethsemane’s first home based Baptism service!!!
07.11.2010Since the birth of the church in 1994, we have always rented a place to carry out our baptism services. This Sunday, November 7th , it will be the first historic baptism in Gethsemane church own building. God gave pastor Valeriy a vision how to make our own baptism pool, though we do have space for it. Beneath the stage!
So brother Igor sawed a rectangle in the stage and we went down for the first baptism pool in our church history! The idea was very inspiring – to be independent from renting and be able to hold a truly festive baptism services with about 100 attendees! Brother Pavlo, Pastor Valeriy’ step father, was eager to dig as much as he could. Brothers Slavic and Andriy dug two evenings through a very rough soil to get to the necessary point.
Then brother Igro and illya put up brick wall around the future pool to make the upper walls. After that, they nailed together several broad boards and poured concrete behind them to create the pool walls. Pastor bought the stainless ladder intot he pool. Now the walls are made. Brother illya leveling the concrete floor. Brother Igor tiling the pool.
Brother Igor and Illya sacrificed their own time to work for free for about a month to make the pool ! These brothers are truly servants of God! Last details – pastor Valeriy matching the film to cover the water and keep the warmth inside. Pastor Valeriy bought a special 24 kilowatt electric heater to heat the water for the baptism pool. We hired electricians to install the power cable line for the appliance and a plumber to connect all the necessary gadgets to the heater. Today , finally all what is needed for the baptism pool is ready. Many people have been involved in implementing the vision of our own pool,and we give glory to God for that he has made it a reality!