Gethsemane’s own Baptism pool made!!!
Gethsemane church spreads the Good News through another Social Outreach: November 18, The No Smoking Day
17.11.2010Two churches, Gethsemane Lviv and Gethsemane Chervonohrad came together to celebrate the first home based baptism service – a great holiday for our churches! New history is being these days in Gethsemane church- 7 people were baptized on November 7th, (the former communist holiday of the red revolution ) in the baptism pool just finished before the Sunday!
Pastor Valeriy speaking the greeting word. The church hall was completely packed up with people – over 140 attendees , including brothers and sisters who came by bus from Chervonohrad. Two souls repented, again, of the visitors that came to us with Chervonohrad church. Both old and young feel comfortable to give their lives to Christ at Gethsemane services BAPTISM CEREMONY.
Halyna Huk, repented years ago, but through the ministry of Gethsemane in Chervonohrad made a decision to recommit her life to God. Maria Pishkalo, repented at Gethsemane church service in Chervonohrad. Oleg and Natalia Serbin, formerly engaged in occult practice, now gave their lives to God. Maria Maridko and her brother Bohdan. Came to the Lord through Gethsemane’s Children’s club in Chervonohrad. Lin Suankhao, a Chinese student who came to the Lord at Gethsemane.
Prayer with anointing and laying of hands. The Lords supper. The newly baptized give their testimonies. Pastor Valeriy presenting the gifts Bibles,Certificates, photo cards, flowers. Glory to God for seven more souls! Oleksandr Zadorozniy, a brother from Gethsemane Chervonohrad, gave a testimony of God’s deliverance from drug addiction. Pastor Valeriy blessed Ihor Khilutich and illya Yurkiv, the two who made the baptism pool, for their devoted hearts. The church blessed them too. The kids presented their greeting to the newly baptized. And danced for them. Greeting from the kids of Chervonohrad.
Greeting of the second music group of Gethsemane music ministry. Greeting from the sisters of Chervonohrad church. A greeting song by Gethsemane Chinese band. A celebration meal. Pastor thanking everybody for their coming to Lviv. Time to drive home to Chervonohrad. Pastor blessing the journey to home. The happy Chervonohrad church.