Gethsemane church takes a stand against occult professions in Ukraine
Gethsemane’s own Baptism pool made!!!
06.11.2010October 16,17 – our church hosted a training seminar carried out by representatives of International organization ACET (Aids Care Education Training). The goal of the seminar was to be trained to teach AIDS prevention lectures and in this way carry the Gospel to schools and universities. About 25 representatives from various churches gathered in Gethsemane to learn new methods of social impact outreach.
A lecture with the time scale, showing an ideology gap, in which the modern generation of Ukrainians were born. WE are to teach them how to live, otherwise they go astray to addiction . Pros and Cons of an early sexual behavior. At the end all were issued ACET certificates. On to new work for Christ – Social Impact Outreach! ACET certificate qualifies you to teach at schools and universities about AIDS prevention and other preventive subjects , like dangers of alcohol, smoking and drugs. Church cannot go to schools directly according to the Constitution of Ukraine, But public non-religious organizations can. Now we are in the stage of planning a full ministry with Christians teaching healthy life style on the basis of God’s principles.