Easter Hospital Outreach
Elderly Care Home Outreach
13.05.2011Today the Gethsemane Church praised the Lord Jesus via Christian songs, testimonies from the Word of God and sketches greeted Lviv with it’s anniversary. The praise group of Gethsemane Church praised the Lord with a joyfulEaster song that expresses the Lord Jesus for His Resurrection. Lviv inhabitants and city guests gladly listened and accepted the Word of God and accompanied us in singing about Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The special Chinese praise group of Gethsemane Church (sister Tsian Tsen, brother Lin Sian Hao and sister Lee Men Men) joyfully sang a song in Chinese about Resurrection and greeted all Lviv inhabitants with Easter and City Day. Today we keep on celebrating Easter and the Children Club of Gethsemane Church named Future Parents of Ukraine performed the sketch about pusanka and about the real meaning of Easter, the Resurrection of Christ.
The puppet show from Children Club Future Parents of Ukraine about the news for the women Mary and Johanna about Resurrection of Christ. The youth of Gethsemane Church performed a sketch to greet Lviv with it’s anniversary. The sketvh shows a young Lviv man who found himself in the past old Lviv. The youth explained about city history, about way of fellowship and way of clothing in the old times. The sketch showed that we are grateful God for being born and living in the best city in the world, the city of Lviv.
During the sketch Pavlo Vasikov lead the quiz with spectators named “Do you know Lviv?” What’s the name of the central square of our city? – Rynok square. When was Lviv first mentioned in the chronicles? – In 1256. Which buildings are the most important for Lviv people? – A church and Ratusha (the City Council).
The festival wouldn’t be successful without a song about Lviv, because Lviv people love to sing!!! We sang for the Lord and thanked Him for the opportunity to proclaim the Good News of Gospel in the heart of Lviv!