The 2-nd baptizm of 2010
08.03.2010Gethsemane Church held the conference of All-Ukrainian Council of Churches (AUCC) of the Western Region , where there were 15 pastors from Lviv, and also pastors from Dnipropetrovsk, Kyiv, Mykolayiv, Kamyanets’-Podilskiy and Netishyn.
The theme of the conference was preparation to the World Prayer Day on May, 23rd 2010 on all-Ukrainian scope, developing prospects and forms of relationships between church and state through interdenominational advisory cooperation with local authorities and participation of church in the improvement of local moral and ethical environment. Pastor Valeriy Marchenko introduces the visiting pastors from the West and East of Ukraine, who partake in the Movement of All-Ukrainian Council of Churches .
Sergiy Naidyonov, Director of the Institute of Church and State Relations. Discussing the Concept of Church and State Relations in Ukraine. Presenation of the Resolution of All-Ukrainian Council of Churches (AUCC) on holding the united interdenominational World Prayer Day in Ukraine on may 23rd, 2010 in Dnipropetrovsk. Oleksandr Kalabskiy, a pastor from the town of Netishyn and a teacher of Ostrog Academy, presenetd the vision of AUCC on organization of interdenominational Spiritual Councils in all Regional centers of Ukraine to partner with local authorities in providing assistance in the spiritual rebirth of Ukrainian nation.