Holy Baptism in Gethsemane Church
The Day of Holy Trinity in Gethsemane Church, Lviv
12.06.2011Sister Vira Kolomiets baked a nice tasty cake for the first birthday and decorated it with a candle. The pastor blew the candle and asked to cut a cake into pieces so that everyone present at the service got one. Sister Natalya Serheeva thanked pastor Valeriy Marchenko and servants who served in Chervonohrad. She also gave a testimony about her first visit to the church.
Sister Liudmyla Kovalyk thanked the church and pastor for the service and regular visits to Chervonohrad, support and prayers. She told the church how God touched her heart and started healing from illness. Salvatore Fiorito came from Italy with his wife Vira Rud. Brother Salvatore gave a testimony about his coming to the Lord when he was almost 80. He baptized last year and thanked brothers and sisters of Gethsemane Church for prayers and support.
Sister Vira Rud told the church about the way of trials that she walked last year. The story was about her baptism, departure to Italy and about her son coming to eternity. Sister Vira thanked the church and the servants for prayers and support and showed a great hope for the Lord who encourages and gives life. Sister Vira needed a prayer for healing and senior pastor Valeriy Marchenko and a pastor of the ritual service Dmytro Semchenko fulfilled it, as the word of God says
Then the pastors prayed for healing of brother Salvatore. The gratitude for the servants of Gethsemane Church of Chervonohrad. The senior pastor Valeriy Marchenko presented the certificates of gratitude to brothers and sisters who faithfully served the Lord. The certificates of gratitude for Vira Kolomiets for music service at Gethsemane Church of Chervonohrad.
The certificates of gratitude for Oleksandr Zadoroghnyy for faithful administration service and service at Gethsemane Church of Chervonohrad. The certificates of gratitude for Maria Maridko for faithful service at church and Sunday school at Gethsemane Church of Chervonohrad. The certificates of gratitude for Natalya Serheeva for faithful financial and documentation service and service at praise group at Gethsemane Church of Chervonohrad. The pastor and the church blessed the servants of Chervonohrad Church and thanked for their faithful and consecrated service to the Lord.
Congratulations from children and youth
The children from the club “Future Parents of Ukraine” of Lviv and Chervonohrad uncovered a secret about the art of getting a power to serve the Lord: “You will accept power when the Holy Spirit will come on you, as in Acts 1:8, Acts 2:2”. Having sang a song, the kids presented little handmade gifts for newly baptized brothers and sisters. Music congratulation from youth praise group – the story about God’s love.
Today the youth group performed in a new way. The new drummer is Kateryna Pantserno, the new bas guitar player is Maria Trefilova. The service finished with a prayer of blessing which was given through Paul: “І нехай благодать Господа нашого Ісуса Христа, і любов Бога й Отця, і єдність духа Святого перебуває зі всіма нами” (2Кор.13:14) І вся Церква сказала “АМІНЬ!”
After the service all guest from Chervonohrad and newly baptized people had a celebration lunch. The praise group greeted them with favourite Christian songs.