Social Outreach “Father, Mother and Me – a Christian Family!”
Family and Pro-Life Outreach in the Park
20.06.2016“Bless the LORD, all servants of the LORD, Who serve by night in the house of the LORD!” Psalm 134:1
Gethsemane church held an all-night (1 lpmoam) intercessory prayer lor churches in Lviv. God’s salvation and protection in Ukraine and brothers and sisters suffering as martyrs around the world. Pastor Valeriy Marchenko began the service by blessing all who chose to come to the Lord’s house at night. Just like levites in King David’s time, we were offering praises to the Lord God by night!
Deacon Slavic Vorovchenko continued to lead the service by giving short messages on the night prayer meetings in both the Old and the New testaments. Likewise, he led the people in intercessory prayers for various local and global needs.
Praying for church leaders and pastor
Prayer walk around the block -claiming the territory for God
We watched videos of Christians suffering for faith around the world and took a prayerful stand for them and intercesscd. Thank you for praying for our church. We pray for you too!!!