Childrens’ Ministry in Aquapark
Special Baptism at Lviv Baikal lake
16.08.2012A special camp with teenagers, youth, grown-ups and elder people – all were feeling like in one big family.
In this camp young ministers were team leaders who learned to lead a team. The older generation was their helper. Teams, like families with kids, – all were learning to respect, love, forgive, listen and trust one another. After the busy day the campers worshiped God together, watched Christian movies and what is of the most importance – heard the Word of God.
One evening, the campers went and lived in the soul, “the Tabernacle of the Covenant” -the first station was an altar – for us it is the cross of Calvary where Jesus as the innocent Lamb sacrificed Himself once and for taking away all sins. The following stations were laver, the altar of incense, seven-branched candlestick, a table loaves of bread, the ark of the covenant. We are waiting for the next camp in 2013!