8th anniversary of Gethsemane Church in Chervonohrad
17.07.2018Gethsemane Church celebration service began with a greeting word of Pastor Valeriy Marchenko, “Thank you, Lord, for the 24 years of serving to us. Pastor gave an encouraging word of that “there is always a way out with God!” Deacon Slavic Vorovchenko led the prayer time and asked God to continue to bless His church!
Home groups greeted the church with gifts, blessings as well as special offerings for cons tructing the designed church. The home group of deaconess Olena Marchenko presented special offerings for conducting the cross-crowned tower. The group of Svitlana Semchenko presented a song. The group of Natalia Harchenko recited a verse. The home group of Yuriy Gimon presented an electric kettle. The group of deacon Slavic Vorovchenko presented a verse and offerings for church construction.
The youth group of Zoreslava Plakhtyna presented a new song. Gethsemane Church of Chervonohrad, our daughter church, came from their home town to greet the Lviv church by praising God together with two new songs. The deaconess of Gethsemane Chervonohrad Natalia Sergeeva.
It was not only the time to greet the church, but also church members who’d had their birthdays—Olena Pantserno, Yana Zgurska, Khrystyna Kolomiets. At the end of the service there were also gifts to the church members—new Bibles.