The first organisation meeting in Chervonohrad City – the foundation of Gethsemane Church
A two-day fasting and prayer retreat for pastors, servants and their assistants
26.06.2010The start of the service in new Gethsemane (Chervonhrad) Church. The first service started with worship and prayer of thanks to the Lord for the opportunity to serve Him in Chervonohrad. The sevice was attended by 102 people, 50 brothers and sisters from Lviv and 52 who were from the Chervonohrad home group and the invited friends.
Brother Roman Vahula said the greeting word and introduced the senior pastor of Gethsemane Valeriy Marchenko.
The senior pastor started the service with the prayer and explained the revelation word from the Lord and the vision for the Gethsemane ministry in Chervonohrad. The sincere testimony of the former Afganistan war soldier and now a home group leader and father of six children Ihor Khilyututch touched the people.
Prayer for healing. Before the sermon pastor Valeriy said: “The Lord tells us to cry with those who are crying and to rejoice with those who are joyful”, so if people who have pain or sorrow are present today, we can’t praise the Lord unless Holy Spirit touches them with healing of their bodies and hearts.
According to the word of God from James 5.14 ” Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord” the prayer with oil anointment was done, fulfilling the words of God.
Many people from Chervonohrad came to prayer for healing. The prayer finished with blessing a child. God started working in a special way. The first pastor’s sermon in a new church in Chervonohrad. The topic of the sermon “The birth and growing starts with repentance”
The pastor opened the topic of change of views on life of every person. Rather than blaming someone, you have to look at your everyday personal relations with God. Pastor showed the examples of how to start the day with the most important things, which are the prayer and the Everyday Bread – the Word to God.
In the end of the sermon the pastor called everyone to take a step of repentance and to acknowledge Jesus as God and Saviour of Life. After the sermon the first prayer for needs and donations was done. The service closed up with the worship time led by Chinese praise group of the Gethsemane (Lviv) Church. The common prayer of thanks.