ACET— A training-seminar
On the Valentine’s Day, youth Gethsemane church gathered together to talk about true love
14.02.2012Evangelical Church Gethsemane supported by Chervonohrad City Council and Christian Churches of Chervonohrad lead the Children Holyday “Tell the child about Candlemas”. Festival was held in the spacious hall of the Central Children’s Library of Chervonohrad. More than 100 people attended. More than 50 children from crisis families were invited. Everyone received a special holiday gift.
Head of Family and Youth Department Krasilchuk Bogdana said a greeting on the behalf of mayor of Chervonohrad Igor Chudiyovych. The prayer of blessing was said by Father Ihnatiy from Saint Yuriy Church. The organizer of the festival, senior pastor of Gethsemane Church Valery Marchenko welcomed the children. The first song was “The Prayer for Ukraine” by Gethsemane praise group.
Crystal Bells Children’s team led by Oksana Andreychuk from St. Jehoshaphat Church were the youngest participants (2-8 years). They sang modernly procesed Ukrainian carols with special sincerity and spontaneity, beautifully smiling. Oleksandr Hrasulov, the deputy of Chervonohrad City Council (Svoboda Party) greeted people. The president of Gedeon Fraternity Yuri Ivanov said that Candlemas is a great opportunity to tell children about Christ. Gedeon Fraternity brings the Gospel of Jesus all over Ukraine from the beginning of 90s. The ushers of Gethsemane church gave out Gospel books to all present people.
Everyone reverentially listened the Yourh Choir of St. Yuri Church (Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church) which sang songs and said verses about Christ the Saviour. The children got to know about Candlemas from quiz. The quiz was lead by Gethsemane Church youth. Everyone who gave the right answer, got a present.
Father Vasyl from St. Volodymyr Church (Ukrainian Orthodox Church) told about Bible meaning of Candlemas, the story of bringing Jesus to the Temple. He also noted, that everyone should meet Jesus and receive salvation. The choir of St. Volodymyr Church sang old Ukrainian carols and greeted people. Father Oleh Diakovych from St. Varvara Church (Ukrainian Orthodox Church) also greeted everyone and thanked for the nice event.
The performance of Chinese musiv group was surprise for everyone. The Chinese songs about Christ love for everyone fascinated everyone. Chinese group members are Gethsemane Church members and the students of Lviv Musical Academy and Lviv National University. The children from club Future Parents of Ukraine invited all children to come forward and sang merry and cheerful children songs. Everyone got a special present from Organization Future Parents of Ukraine.
The presents were specially collected for Ukrainian kids by kids from Canada and USA to show that they also believe in Christ and pass this love to Ukrainian children. The Candlemas was meant to tell children and adults about Christ via words, songs and carrols. Though, the most important present is Gospel of Jesus Christ.