“Gethsemane” Church took part in the regional conference of “God’s Church” Alliance
Gethsemane Church took part in a Christmas Festival
07.01.2012Gethsemane Church with support of Chervonohrad City Council and the Public Organisation “Future Parents of Ukraine” lead a feast of St. Nicolas Day for children from poor and large families.
The Ukrainian children wait for this day all year. Everybody knows St. Nicholas. Every year he comes to everyone and brings gifts. For little children he becomes a fairy tale, since the presents appear at night under the pillow.
More tnan 200 children from poor and large families were invited for the feast with their parents on December 19. Olena Marheva and Pavlo Vasikov lead holiday. Presenters – Mariya Trefilova and Sergey Hlushkov. The music group of Gethsemane Church sang great songs for children. Children took part in interesting competitions and quizzes. They learned more about St. Nicholas, about his affairs and his faith in God. Angels are so wonderful when smiling! 🙂
A special surprise for everyone was the modern sketch “Good heart”. This was the puppet show and on-screen animation. The purpose of the performance was to teach children to do good, to help friends, to make peace with them, sympathize, be merciful, just and generous, have a good heart and believe in God, because only God can help realize all these qualities.
Children joyfully greeted St. Nicholas, who arrived to festive evening. Children presented Nicholas songs and poems. The angels helped St. Nicholas. Angelic Choir! Every child received a special gift – a book of children’s prayers to Jesus Christ. Children truly came together in prayer to God.
The celebration was attended by Mayor of Chervonohrad Igor Chudiyovych, who prayed a simple prayer to the Lord Jesus with children.
At the end of the day Mayor sincerely greeted children and parents and thanked Gethsemane Church and Public Organisation “Future Parents of Ukraine” for a wonderful holiday for children and once again wished joy, always help each other, pray, believe in God and greeted with the upcoming New Year and Christmas. All children received sweet gifts from St. Nicholas.
Photo to remember a wonderful holiday in Chervonohrad. Saint Nicholas day is another opportunity to tell children about God and His love and care of all people. We hope that after this holiday children will learn to do good works to one another and acquire a good heart because they are future parents of Ukraine. Let us follow the good deeds of Nicholas. Let this holiday be our holiday for mercy, compassion, forgiveness, love for people!