Healing and deliverence service
Christmas concert 2016
06.01.2016On the 19th of December 2015, the seminar “How to Survive in the World and Keep Christian Faith” was carried out in the temple of Christian Evangelical Church Gethsemane.
The music group of Gethsemane Church led the people in praise and worship. The Higher Doctorate in Philosophy, professor Mykhailo Cherenkov and Viktor Manzhyl preached the sermon “How to be a Christian”.
On the 20th of December, at the church service, people had an opportunity to thank God for His support in their life. Mykhailo Cherenkov shared the sermon with the media presentation Ora et Labora, which means pray and work. Viktor Manzhyl preached about faith and God’s will for our life.
At the end of the service, the pastor invited the ministry leaders, pastors and deacons, and the church members blessed them. After this, the pastors and deacons blessed the church members, that dedicated themselves for the ministry in Gethsemane Church in 2016.