St. Nicholas Day in Chervonohrad
The first in the history of Tchervonohrad festival “Christmas Star”
09.01.2012Gethsemane Church worshipped the Lord Jesus Christ in the centre of L’viv, by the Opera House. During the festivities there were lots of people by the Opera House singing carols and worshipping the newborn Jesus Christ. The music band from “Gethsemane” Church praised God’s Son with modern carols.
“Christmas time – is a time for miracles because the birth of the Son of God was announced by a Star!” Children from the Public Organisation “Future Parents of Ukraine” sang a really nice carol “Christmas Star”, in which they sang about the birth of our Saviour for the happiness for all people.
Youth from “Gethsemane” Church played a modern skit about the birth of our Saviour Jesus Christ – “Angels’ Care”. In this skit our youth have shown that matters that seam ‘little’ to us can be really important in God’s view. Mary and Joseph shroud the Newborn baby in a stable. Wise men and shepherds came to bow down to the Newborn King of Kings. The skit ended with a beautiful song “Glory to God in the highest for giving us Jesus…”
At the end of this programme the music band from ‘Gethsemane’ Church sang a famous Christmas carol; and citizen of L’viv and its guests were dancing at the square and singing: “Ukraine is caroling! The whole Earth is caroling. Angels in the sky sing – glory to Christ! Ukraine is caroling!..”