Sea Camp 2011
Children day camp “Funny holidays with God” in Chervonohrad
28.08.2011More than 100 kids and their leaders participated in a holiday that “Gethsemane” church and SO “Future Fathers of Ukraine” held for them. Children, mostly orphans and without parent’s care, who were at the children’s camp “Rovesnyk” near the Tchervonohrad city, gladly participated in this holiday organized by “Gethsemane” church and SO “Future Fathers of Ukraine”.
The kids were very active in the games and quizzes which were aimed at telling and showing them Christian moral values about friendship and love towards God and people. The programme was led by volunteers from SO “Future Fathers of Ukraine” – youth from L’viv and Chervonograd.
Not only children were active participants – there leaders were rejoicing like kids as well =) Not much is needed to give children lots of joy – just show them God’s love. In the end every kid received a children’s Gospel with bright pictures – to help them get to know the Best Friend, Jesus Christ, closer.
The director of the site “Rovesnyk”, Vasyl Mykhaylovytch Karvatskiy, was really thankful to the “Gethsemane” church and SO “Future Fathers of Ukraine” for this wonderful holiday and for the thoughtful input into the upbringing of the Future of Ukraine.