Gethsemane Evangelical Church praised God at the Dominican cathedral
SUNDAY SERVICE –January 31st
31.01.2010The first fruit of 2010 is 6 people who were willing to enter into the covenant with the Lord – 5 by immersion and 1 by pouring of water at the church (because of physical complications). 6 people baptized. Pastor speaking the final instruction before the baptism. “God, bless and sanctify this water”
2nd pastor Dima helping his mother -in-law down into the pool. Sister Bogumila is Polish, recently God touched her and she decided to fully unite herself with God and her family.Her daughter and granddaughter serve in the music ministry, her son – in –law is the 2nd pastor. Sister Lee Meng Meng, a student from China, repented earlier , but was never baptized. When she came to Gethsemane, she agreed at once to be baptized.
Brother Khu Dzyan Liang, another student from China, repented at Gethsemane Church and now is part of the Chinese community of the church. Anya , 12, is the youngest child from a family in the church with 6 children. Repented at the small group for kids. Roman ,14, the middle son from that same family! Repented at the small group for teens.
Both their parents are believers, the father is one of the small group leaders of the church, a former alcoholic, the mother has the official President –given title “hero mother” for so many children born. Two sons, the eldest and the youngest, have not yet been baptized, the rest of the children fully follow the Lord. All these Chinese brothers and sisters are now baptized and follow the Lord.
Brothers and sisters from the church came to rejoice with the newly baptized. Sister Sofia, comes from the Elderly care home small group, where our church has been serving for 2 years She celebrated her spiritual and physical birthday that day – 80 years!
Gifts: Bibles, certificates, flowers and sweets. Praise the Lord for this wonderful start of the year!