Seminar and Commitment service to serve God in 2016
Bible Day 2015 -promoting health and the word of God
06.01.2016On the 25th of December, the Interdenominational Christmas concert “Jesus Christ is the Hope for Ukraine” was carried out in the temple of Christian Evangelical Church.
In the beginning, the senior pastor of Gethsemane Church Valeriy Marchenko greeted all the present people with Christmas and narrated its meaning for every person. The Galicia Folk Band performed several carols and played the musical instruments. The music group of Gethsemane Church sang a song about birth of Jesus Christ.
Yevhen Boyko, the deputy of the city mayor, congratuled people on New Year and Christmas on behalf of the mayor, Andrii Sadovyi. The Salvation Army greeted with the creative turns.
The spectators had the opportunity to enjoy the wonderful singing of the youth choir from St. Yurii Temple. The Blessing Community from the St. Volodymyr and Olha Church presented a mime about true God’s love.
The original performance of the Ukrainian carols by ethno-folkloric music group Oikumena was particularly memorable. The pastor of God’s Design Church Pavlo Lozynskyi came to greet the people with the birth of the Saviour with his art song.
The pupils from the Secondary School #9 performed a sketch about St. Nikolaus. Plakhtynas sisters sang a song “It’s Christmas outdoors”.
The young people from God’s Covering Church performed a sketch, which illustrated how sin ruins a person, and how God only can save. The music group of Gethsemane Church greeted with the birth of Christ. Mirra Vorovchenko recited a poetry and sang a song about a small snowflake in English.