Special Baptism at Lviv Baikal lake
The blessing of a child In the Gethsemane Church
02.09.2012The aim was to tell children about the Saviour Jesus Christ and the Gospel. Also, we promoted healthy life style. Youth and teenagers, the servants of Gethsemane Church (Lviv, Chervonohrad) and Children Club Future Parents of Ukraine lead an interesting educational and sport camp. Over 60 children and teenagers attended the day camp during the week
During the camp the children had creative groups. They learned children songs. Children had games, contests and quizzes. One of the camp days was dedicated to the special road, cailed Via Dolorosa This is Ihe event that allowed children to live the last day of Christ’s life with Him.
Young servants from Gethsemane church lead an evangelical event at city children hospital on tiie Miner’s Day (the aty holiday). They said greeting poems, songs and Bible verses. As a present we offered a Gospel of Jesus Christ. On Miner’s Day during the church service of Chetvonohrad Gethsemane Church children from day camp greeted the miners.
The parents thanked to the organizers, Gethsemane Church and Social organization Future Parents of Ukraine for the nice camp and die new friends. Praise the Lord that He gives an opportunity to serve the children and bring them a Good Mews of Jesus Christ via Bible stones, games and personal example.