“Gethsemane” church together with a Social Organization “Future Fathers of Ukraine” ministered at the children’s camp “Rovesnyk”
The barbecue picnic planned in summer took place on the first Sunday of September
04.09.2011Gethsemane Church and Children Club “Fututre parents of Ukraine” lead an interesting active camp fir children and teenagers of Chervonohrad. During the last week of summer holidays Gethsemane Church and т Children Club “Fututre parents of Ukraine” lead an unusual camp in Chervonohrad.
More than 70 children and teenagers spent time in the day camp “Funny holidays with God”. The leaders, namely youth from Lviv and Chervonohrad, gathered in the morning for a prayer and planning to organize a camp. The kids had contests and games. The games were interesting. The children eagerly participated in all camp activities.
Owing to collaboration with the city council of Chervonohrad and administration of city park, the children had opportunity to use park amusement for free. The kids learned how to dance cha-cha-cha. The girls had the opportunity to learn how to make hair. The Good News about God’s plan of Salvation became the best present. Everyone received the Gospel book for the children “Life of Jesus Christ”.
One day of the camp was dedicated to the Cross Road. This enabled the children to live the last day of Christ’s life. The camp-leaving party. On Saturday all the children gathered in the sport club “Shakhtar” (“The Miner”) to celebrate the leaving party. There were a lot of joyful songs learned during the camp. Tasty melons for everyone =) Prayer of blessing for the New School Year.
On Sunday the senior pastor of Gethsemane Church Marchenko Valeriy performed the prayer of blessing for the youth and children. He asked for blessing for their studies, families and the whole life. The children presented the camp and thanked the organizers for nice time. On the Miner Day the children came to the city center and made a holiday concert for all the inhabitants and guests of Chervonohrad. Special thanks from the camp participants to the director of the city park Antonyshyn Lesia Mykhailivna.