Christmas service 2016
First baptsim of 2016 at Elderly Home
23.02.2016In January, Gethsemane Church held a charitable Christmas dinner and fed the children and their parents. The Word of God was preached, and every child got a present, which included Luke s Gospel and the collection of Bible stories for kids “Find a light in the darkness”.
The youth arranged and packed the presents for children. Each pack included Luke’s Gospel. The special guests came to the dinner – the ethnic band Oikumena. They sang the wonderful carols playing the accompaniment with bandore and drums.
Brother Vyacheslav Vorovchenko told the children and their parents about the importance of the relations with the Lord and presented the gift box special present – Luke’s Gospel. As the final chord, the deacon Pavlo Vasikov invited everyone to join the Bible course for children and their parents “The Great Journey’.