Ministry of healing and liberation
19th Anniversary
14.04.2013The first event was carried our for the children from local schools and their parents. The second was attended by children from poor and crisis families, namely over 70 families that were recommended by Chervonohrad City Council.
The event started with a greeting words from Senior pastor of Gethsemane Church Valeriy Marchenko, Chief of Rovesnyk Children Camp Vasyl Karvatskyy and deputy of Chervonohrad City Council Oleksandr Hrasulov.
The facilitator of Chervonohrad Social City Service for Family, Children and Youth Volodymyr Lobay greeted the children. Gethsemane Church praise group sang a folk Christmas carol “Rejoice”. Gethsemane Church youth sang a modem song. Someone has lighted the fire in heaven”
A special flavor was added by Chinese music group, who sang Christian songs about God’s love in Chinese. These are the students from China who study in Lviv Music Academy and atterKl Gethsemane Church. The program included various contests and a quiz about Candlemas.
Children were excited participating and getting to know more about the life of Jesus Christ. Children and youth dance groups from Sosnivka (Chervonohrad District). The President of Gedeon Fraternity in Chervonohrad Yuriy Ivanov told about Candlemas and presented a Gospel to every child. Gethsemane Church Ministers presented children Gospel in pictures, The Life of Jesus Christ. Every child received a present according to their age. The main aim of children holiday was to tell the children and their parents about Jesus Christ and His love. The best present.