Candlemas Holiday
Easter Festival in Shevchenko Park
05.05.2013April 25 Church “Gethsemane” joyfully celebrated the anniversary of foundation of the Church. The solemn Service started with praising the Lord for 19 years of Gethsemane Church service. The Senior pastor Valeriy Marchenko greeted the church and said a word about the meaning of faith in the person’s life. Lesya Oleksiuk greeted the church with a verse.
Three homegroups greeted the church with a special present. Pastor Volodymyr Andrushchakevych from Good News Church greeted with a word from Gospel. Sister Olena Pantserno greeted the church with a personally written verse. Sister Karina Gevorgian told a testimony about the real action of God in her life and sang a song in her native Armenian language.
The sincere greetings from the pastor Volodymyr Kuzmitch. The brother Oleh from Drohobych read a greeting verse and a word from the Gospel. Sister Tsian Tsen and brother Yang Chen sang a song Halleluja in Chinese. Youth group “Gethsemane” performed the song “Jesus, My Savior”.