Special Baptism Service Out by a Lake
26.02.2018The 10th Inter-denominational Christmas Concert was held at the sanctuary of Christian Evangelical Church “GETHSEMANE” this winter. Children and families of the soldiers, who were wounded or killed in the military conflict in the East of Ukraine, were invited to the festival. The Christmas choir and the chamber orchestra “JESU JUVA” led by Sergiy Yakobchuk started the event.
Valery Marchenko, the pastor of Gethsenane church, congratulated the children, parents and all those present at the Nativity of Christ, and all prayed together “Our Father” – the prayer given to us by Jesus Christ (Mt.6: 9-13). The head of the city of Lviv Andriy Sadovyi spoke a word of special Christmas greetings to the children and parents of soldiers.
For several minutes, the audience was immersed into the atmosphere of Gospel events thanks to the clip from the movie “The Nativity story” (2006). Deacon of the Church Vyacheslav Vorovchenko preached the Gospel of salvation about the child born solely able to set the world free from sin who grew to give his life for us and become known as Jesus Christ.
Greetings and songs to glorify the Lord by the children of the Sunday school and the youth group of Gethsemane church. Volodymyr Lys, Chief of the Regional Government’s Children’s Service, referred to the church as one of the best partners of the Service in work with children and youth.
The Greek Catholic Community “Blessing” of the St. Volodymyr and Olga church joined the concert by their original performing of Christmas songs. The concert was continued by the Christian band “New People”, led by pastor Pavlo Lozinsky, which praised the Lord in the contemporary music style.
The concert was finished off by praise songs performed by Gethsemane Church worship group. All children received gifts, “Samaritan purses”, prepared by children from Canada and the USA.